Investors FAQ

Where are you located?

Torqur AG
c/o Swiss Rockets AG
Rittergasse 3, 4051 Basel

Can you provide a brief description of your company?

Torqur is a Swiss clinical-stage biotech company launched in 2021 as a subsidiary of Swiss Rockets, a Basel-based incubator and accelerator of start-up companies in oncology and infectiology. 

Torqur is establishing the platform for the discovery and efficient development of innovative anti-cancer therapies targeting the metabolic PI3K/mTOR intracellular signalling pathway.


When was the company founded?

Torqur AG was founded in 2021 in Basel, Switzerland.

Can I buy shares directly from Torqur AG?

Yes, you can buy shares of Torqur AG  if you are a qualified private or institutional investor.
For more information, contact us at

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